Strategic Management Of Modern Islamic Boarding Schools In Realizing Global Competitiveness (Case Study at the Assalafi Ciwaringin Islamic Boarding School, Bina Insan Mulia Dukupuntang, and Al Bahjah Cirebon)

Sari Rahayu

Universitas Islam Nusantara, Bandung,

IIm Wasliman

Universitas Islam Nusantara, Bandung,

Waska Warta

Universitas Islam Nusantara, Bandung,

R. Supyan Sauri

Universitas Islam Nusantara, Bandung,


The global competitiveness of Islamic boarding schools as the oldest Islamic educational institution in Indonesia is still low because they have not implemented management as a whole. This study generally aims to describe and analyze the strategic management of modern pesantren in realizing global competitiveness and specifically to describe and analyze: Environmental Analysis, Strategic Formulation, Strategic Implementation, Strategic Evaluation, Obstacles, and Global Competitiveness. Strategic Formulation, Strategic Implementation, Strategic Evaluation, Obstacles, and  Solutions. The research approach used is qualitative, with a case study method. Data collection is done through observation, interviews, documentation studies and triangulation. The theories that support this research are strategic management theory, modern pesantren theory, and global competitiveness theory. The results showed that specifically the strategic management of modern pesantren in realizing global competitiveness, namely: Strategic environment analysis begins by using SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat), to analyze strength, weakness, opportunity and threat factors. Strategic formulation of modern pesantren in realizing global competitiveness is carried out by formulating the vision, mission, goals, quality objectives of pesantren, strategies and policies. Strategic implementation of modern pesantren in realizing global competitiveness is contained in the 8 SNP development program, budget and procedures. Strategic evaluation of modern pesantren in realizing global competitiveness.


Strategic Management, Modern Pesantren, Global Competitiveness, Islamic boarding

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